Monday 23 May 2011

Midwinter 2011: Introducing Archtek's Toothpaste Tablets

See also: cialis | 

Archtek introduces the Toothpaste Tablet at the Midwinter Meeting:

The Toothpaste viagra were awarded Top Innovative Consumer Product for 2011 by Dental Advisor Magazine.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Men's Health editor proves it's not plagiarism when you're the boss.

See also: purchase cialis | cheap cialis | 

Whenever I want the best in writing, I turn to fitness magazines. You've never heard an eloquent turn-of-phrase quite like when it refers to shredded six-pack abs.

It seems Men's Health's editor David Zinczenko enjoys good writing, too, especially if he can pass it off as his own. According to Gawker, Zinczenko writes an online column for Yahoo! Health, and more often than not he simply takes articles published in Men's Health by his own staff writers and publishes them on his Yahoo! Health column.

That is to say, publishes them as his own writing.

We're not talking sly plagiarism here--a thought, a small turn of phrase, a fleeting image. We're talking whole, fleshy, lively chunks of previously published articles by his own staff of writers and placing it under his byline on a different website as his own work. Verbatim, too.

Put in perspective: slacking sophomores in college do a better job at rearranging sentences when they plagiarize than David Zinczenko does--and he gets paid a fortune to do it. To add insult to injury, he probably also has shredded abs. Although, knowing Zinczenko at this point, he probably took his abs from someone else, too.

Can it really be THAT bad?

Can it really be THAT bad?

cialis is a popular drug, and for good reason!  It does exactly what it says it will, and has a very high efficacy rate.  It has saved marriages, sanity, and self-images.  It even allows a sexual relationship to continue well into your elderly years.  All these things make it great, so what is this post about?  Well, undoubtedly, you've seen at least one commercial for it (or its siblings, cheap cialis or Levitra).  Consistently mentioned is the interaction with nitrates, usually stated as, "<this drug> is not for everyone.  Ask your doctor first if you are taking nitrates for chest pains..."  Problem is, people aren't usually too willing to talk about the 'little blue pill,' and are unlikely to check with their doctor about compatibility with their current medications.  What do nitrates and other blood pressure medications do to Viagra?

Well, first we have to understand how Viagra works.  An erection is achieved through the dilation of the blood vessels in the base of the penis.  This allows the blood to flow into it, allowing it to become turgid.  The problem in erectile dysfunction is that these vessels don't dilate properly, so an inadequate volume of blood reaches the penis, causing a flaccid state.  Viagra works by allowing these vessels to open up more, working with a common component of our blood called nitrous oxide.  Nitrous oxide is actually the component that allows blood vessels to dilate, so Viagra works to prevent this particular component from breaking down in the blood, allowing for more dilation.

Nitrates are given for chest pains, as they cause rapid dilation of the arteries around the heart and lungs (fixing the main problem of Angina Pectoris, which is basically just clinical chest pains).  It does this by adding nitrous oxide to the blood.  At this point, you should see the relation these two drugs have, they both work on the same component in vasodilation.  The problem is this: with Viagra's ability to keep nitrous oxide around longer, and nitrates ability to add a large amount of nitrous oxide to the blood, the two together cause massive and widespread dilation of the blood vessels ALL OVER the body, causing a sever drop in blood pressure and possibly death.

Far too many people are unwilling to talk to a doctor about this, however, and are risking quite a lot in doing so.  So what are people to do who are on a nitrate, but want to treat their ED?  Simple, Caverject!  Also known as aprostadil, this drug has NO interaction with any erectile dysfunction medication, and works instantly.  Many elderly use this, as quite a few are on nitrates by default.  It DOES involve a needle, but it is a very small one (painless) and works faster than Viagra in achieving and maintaining an erection.

Bottom line: never be too embarrassed to talk to your doctor.  There are always other solutions, and it may just save your life.